St Neots and Huntingdon Logo Link
A Circuit shaped for discipleship and mission

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

Welcome to St Neots & Huntingdon Methodist Circuit

We are a community of eleven village and town churches who are seeking to discover what God is doing among us and how we can join in and share his mission with our neighbours.

We love Jesus and seek to respond to the nudges of the Holy Spirit. We strive to grow closer to God, one another and those we share life with. Sharing in God's mission shapes our worship, meetings and actions. As we experience God's love we are committed to sharing that love freely with everyone we meet in both a practical and appropriate way.

We hope the information on our website will be helpful to you. If you would like to know more about us, our vision, or you have any questions or issues you think we might be able to help with, or if you just want to discover which of our churches might suit you best, please do get in touch. You will find contact details on each of the following pages. All of our churches are friendly, welcoming and eager to help you realise how much God loves you, and enable you to respond more fully.

(Superintendent Minister)

News 1
What's On

What's going on around the circuit

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News 4
Who's Who

Find out more about our ministers and team

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News 3

Download minutes, documents & policies

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News 1
Contact Us

Speak to your circuit, contact your Minister

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Prayer of the day

If we see the world through your eyes, Lord,
then we see a vision of our world as your love would have it:
a world where all who are weak are protected and none go hungry;
a world where your riches of creation are shared for everyone to enjoy them;
a world where mutual respect is expressed between different races and cultures and harmony descends;
a world where peace is built with justice, and justice is guided by love.
Give us the inspiration and courage to build it how you see it Lord!
That all may praise together and the only power exerted is the power of your love. Amen.

Get In Touch

c/o Huntingdon Methodist Church
17 High Street
PE29 3TE

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Registered Charity no. 1134269